One day, Julie heard voices threatening her. Doctors gave her electroshocks, marabouts tried to exorcise her, she ingested many medicines, drank a lot of potions, spent days in the hospital and long hours locked up at home trying to forget the past and imagine the future. From an administrative point of view, since her first hospitalization she is considered 80% mentally disabled. To me, she is a precious friend, a sensitive soul, a resistant who decided that she would not make "a career as a victim". I have been filming her for five years. Together, we dive into her past and discover the story of a heroine.
Documentary 78', France, 2021
With: Julie Yaye Bigué Dieng
Writer-Director : Mia Ma
Photography : Mia Ma
Sound Editing and Mixing : Ivan Broussegoutte
Editing : Jeanne Oberson
Editing Assistant : Matthieu Grosmaire
Color Grading : Lucie Bruneteau
Writing Consultant : Olivier Daunizeau, Mariannick Bellot
In co-production with Lyon Capitale TV
With the participation of TV7 Bordeaux and the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée et du Fonds Images de la Diversité du CNC - ANCT
With the support of the departement of Charente-Maritime and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in partnership with the CNC, the Procirep, the Société des Producteurs et de l'Angoa and SCAM - Brouillon d'un rêve